2008年10月6日 星期一



4 則留言:

DerPing 提到...

These are magnificent pictures reveal the great northwest of China. The province which a cousin of my, who was exiled to during the "Culture Revolution", he later described it was the best part of his life, living in the great northwest. It is also listed as one of the places which I want to visit in my life time. How did you get some of the areal view? Are you on a balloon?

Der Ping

Tom 提到...


Tom 提到...


DerPing 提到...

Woah, you must had fun ride in 新疆. I assume that you also camping along with your journey, cause I can not imagine there was hotel anywhere in the prairie. You have to see how 'luxury' it is to camp in Washington State. I have some picture in my blog, you probably already seen it.

I am wondering why do you have a 'bucher shop' photo next to a wedding arrangement??? Is it by chance or it means something? Also any language barrier while traveling in 新疆? Since the majority of the resident are Muslin, do they speak a different language?

I promise I will type Chinese next time when I make comment on your blog.


Der Ping